
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

 “If we ask for bread He will not give us a stone.”  We are asking for the nation of Swaziland, to go and be the hands and feet of Christ.  He is the Father to the Fatherless and has burned in us a passion to share His love to the “fatherless.”  Many people would argue that it isn’t the American Dream or very successful path to take, but it is God’s dream that He has placed inside each of us; following God can only lead to the abundant life He promised.  

We are now just waiting and learning to be still before God.  It is easy to get caught up in focusing on the future and miss out on enjoying God now.  He is always at work among us, it is our prayer that we tune our hearts to God and join Him in the things He is doing in our daily lives and the lives around us.  I was just reminded today that He takes care of the sparrows and knows when one falls to the ground… He knows our every need even before we ask.  He is a “Daddy” who delights in taking care of His children; in return we can cast all our cares, desires, needs, expectations on Him because He cares for us.   We prayerfully continue to press on towards the goal:  Jesus.

It is our prayer that we do not take one step ahead of God.  He is the leader of our team and we wait with expectancy on Him.  His timing is perfect, now He is preparing us for the next step. We continue to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding but acknoweldge Him and He will direct our steps (Prov 3:5-6).  It is daily walking by faith and not sight, it isn’t comfortable, but or comfort is in Him- our creator, sustainer, protector, provider, and all sufficient one.