
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Interesting combination we have… one guy, 5 girls and a baby.
  Not exactly what I envisioned for the Discipleship Team. 
 We’re also heading to Swaziland, Africa. 
 Not exactly the destination I had in mind.
  There are dozens more things I had in my head that either haven’t materialized, or they have materialized in a way that would only appear normal to the moderately hallucinatory individual. 

As you read through the previous paragraph, you can see that “I” am not in control of this vision. 
Took me a while to come to this realization.
  Well, I took the vision God gave me, and, much like the fancy customized cars we see cruising the highways today, I simply added a few aftermarket parts to it so it would look just like I wanted it to look. 
I wanted people to know it was mine, one of a kind; it had to raised a little here, lowered a bit there, supercharged, repainted, and, just to make sure everyone knew it was mine, I put a personalized tag on it. 

My guess is that God laughed really hard when He saw it fully customized.
  In fact, He was probably rolling down the golden streets of Heaven when it arrived as a gift from me back to Him. 
Yes, I told myself I was pleasing God by receiving His vision as a gift, personalizing it to my specifications, rewrapping it in fancy paper, putting a big bow on it, and giving it back to Him. 

God is so good. 
He simply stripped it down and gave it back to me. 
Now I am just letting Him add the modifications.
  Reality is, He already knows what the final thing looks like. 
 He loves me so much He’s letting me ride around in it while He just makes it better and better. 
More people are hopping in too.
  Some just want to take a spin around the block. 
That’s cool. 
We love showing off God’s ride. 

But back to the thing about the one guy, 5 girls and a baby in Swaziland. 
 It is not what I envisioned… it is more than I could have ever envisioned. 
 God gave me a huge family with whom I share my meals and my life with. 
 He is also sending me on a great adventure across the sea… I love adventure. 
God is so good. 
Thank you Lord for allowing me to come along for the ride!

5 responses to “A guy, five girls and a baby”

  1. Tim,

    yup, that’s the way God does it. otherwise we get the glory and sow the seeds of our own destruction in the process. this way, we stay dependent and he gets the glory!

    thanks for sharing. i love watching God use you.

  2. I love watching God move in this whole process. He is being glorified in each of you and as a team!! I miss you all dearly! And can’t wait to see you again. Each of you have added so much to my life and I can’t wait to see how God works through each of you to touch the lives in Swaziland!

  3. I agree with Angel. This has been an incredible process from the beginning. It’s exciting to see God bring together this team and prepare you for Swazi. I love you guys!

  4. I would say you have a pretty attractive family. And God has blessed you more than you can ever think or imagine. Haha… But on a more serious not I thank God for this family God knited together with his own hand! He pre-ordained us to be together working for his kingdom, and I believe through the power of Jesus we will together bring many to know him! Love you!

  5. God speed on your misson trip to Swaziland. You are in our prayers all the time.We will miss you all!!!!! Love to all.