
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As I travel to the nations, I realize that my heart breaks more and more for America.
   My last trip to India consisted of 14 college age girls, who, for many of them said it was the first time they were “discipled.”
   Many of them had carried past sins with them and for the first time were set free from the guilt and condemnation that came with them. I saw them begin to see who they were in Christ and believe truth instead of lies.
   My passion is for the church (here) to embrace accountability and discipleship; for His children to walk in freedom so they can live the abundant life they are called to.  How can we go and preach the good news when we haven’t believed the good news for ourselves.  He is calling us to a life of freedom so that we may go and set the prisoners free.  The youth of today are waiting to see someone live out the abundant life- walk in freedom- to say Jesus is the answer and you don’t have to do it alone. It is simple, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.  Who are your neighbors?

am ready to love, for His love to pour out through me, I can love, b/c He first loved me. Discipleship is the process where we love and become intimate with God.

The world is searching for answers, wondering if there is something more to this life.  I can hear the voice of the world screaming “I’ll believe it when I see it.”  Discipleship is a call to model a life that belongs to the Father and showing others (over time)
 how to live the abundant life we are called to.

God has burdended me with a passion to fulfill the great commission by going and making disciples.
  I am ready, willing, and longing to “go” and invest in the lives of the hurting ones, lonley ones, abandon ones, doubting ones, etc. What am I waiting for, nothing- I have heard the call and I have answerd it- with a big Yes Lord, “Here I am Send Me.”

The discipleship team is designed for a body of believers to pour out their lives as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to God. (Romans 12).
   Jesus is the answer to the biblical model of discipleship.
   Jesus took the disciples in, he ate with them, lodged with them, walked with them, taught them, ministered with them, loved them, encouraged them, and discipled them.  I want my life and my home to be an “open-door policy” ready to serve, to love, to pour out into the lives of others.   Jesus is calling His children to intimacy with Him; I am answering that call as I walk with Him and fulfill the great commission.
   Evangelism brings people to a life saving knowledge of Jesus Christ while discipleship brings people to a life changing knowledge of Jesus Christ.  

Now is the time to make disciples of all nations…