
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Today we began training with 150 individuals from around the country, ranging in age from 18-40.  Some have been in the mission field before, for others this will be their first experience with sacrificial living.  That translates into cold showers, no showers, bad food, little food, no food, language barriers, lice, dirt latrines, sweat, no personal cars, no jewelry, no hair dryers, no privacy, late nights, early mornings, no money, no sleeping in late, cramped quarters, shared space, smelly clothes, muddy shoes, submission, no turning back, no complaining, dying to self, putting others first, washing someone’s stinky feet… being Christ to others. 

Why do people do this?  Why leave the comfort?  Why commit to this life when we apparently have it made?  What are we looking for that we don’t have? 

Jesus.  We experience His power in the midst of our pain and despair.  We become dependent.  We find ourselves insufficient to meet our own needs.  We need God to supply the living water in the midst of our spiritual thirsting.  God wants the glory.  Why should God show up when we are sufficient in ourselves?  What glory does God get when I can do something in my own strength?  When I am weak, God is strong.  We don’t experience the supernatural power of God until we put ourselves in a situation that requires the supernatural power of God.